Where Does Each Month Get Its Name?

Where Does Each Month Get Its Name?

As you turn the first month of the calendar over from January to February, you’ve probably wondered why they are named the way they are and after what or whom. You won’t be the first to wonder why October, November and December are the 10th, 11th and 12th months and...
Myths and Facts about Contactless Payments

Myths and Facts about Contactless Payments

We are increasingly moving to a cashless society. First, it was the chequebook, then came debit cards. But even this system has gone through several changes. Chip & Pin technology replaced signature slips as recently as 2004. Now, a new system is in place for...
How and Why Bacteria Becomes Antibiotic Resistant

How and Why Bacteria Becomes Antibiotic Resistant

It’s one of the greatest medical problems of our time. GPs have become reluctant to prescribe antibiotics to patients in case their medical problem is viral; sometimes, symptoms are similar and they feel they have no choice. But by taking too many antibiotics, our...
Why You Should Not Feed Your Dog Chocolate at Easter

Why You Should Not Feed Your Dog Chocolate at Easter

Reiterating a warning first issued at Christmas, the nation’s vets have once again pointed out the dangers of feeding chocolate intended for humans to pets. At both Christmas and Easter, there is an increase in pet admissions and it’s usually of dogs from chocolate...
Advice for Taking Your Wheelchair Abroad

Advice for Taking Your Wheelchair Abroad

Wheelchair users enjoy a foreign holiday just like anybody else. Your disability (whether congenital or recent) needn’t hinder your break. There are unique challenges to taking your wheelchair abroad, but with some effective planning and raising awareness with the...